Our Team
The Slough and East Berkshire Multi Academy Trust has established a management structure to enable its efficient running.
The structure consists of two levels:
GOVERNANCE (members, directors/trustees and school governors)
The role of governors is to approve the strategic direction and objectives of the academy and monitor its progress towards these objectives. Governors are responsible for setting general policy, adopting an annual plan and budget, monitoring the academy by use of budgets and making major decisions about the direction of the academy, including capital expenditure and senior staff appointments.
- Members
Members are custodians of the vision; 'they need to assure themselves that the governance of the trust is effective and that trustees are acting in accordance with the trust’s charitable objects'. (Academy Trust Governance Guide, March 2024)
The Board of Directors (also known as trustees) meet as a board and have 'collective accountability and responsibility for the academy trust and assuring itself that there is compliance with regulatory, contractual, and statutory requirements'. (Academy Trust Handbook 2021). They hold the CEO to account and set the tone for ambition, high level performance and excellence.
School Governors and Local Governing Bodies
Each school has a local governing body. The governors meet as a group 4-6 times a year to offer schools challenge and support and work with SEBMAT to help improve the schools and the outcomes for all pupils. They are critical friends. Please see Governor pages on each of the school websites for further details.
The Executive Team are the senior leadership teams within each academy. The headteachers are directly responsible for the day to day running of each academy and are assisted by their senior leadership teams.
The headteachers report to the Chief Executive, who leads school improvement, drives the strategy for the organisation and organisational design, undertakes external influencing and lobbying and deployment of resources.
Central Support TEam
In addition there is a central support team of paid officers/personnel who are employed by SEBMAT to provide services to each school.