SEBMAT Aims and Values


Slough and East Berkshire C of E Multi Academy Trust (SEBMAT) has been established to form a group of schools that can support each other to ensure the best possible outcomes for the young people. This group of schools may include primary and secondary phases and may have a Church of England link but this would not prevent non Church of England schools joining the Trust. SEBMAT will support schools to achieve very effective education with high levels of performance through coaching, sharing good practice and helping to secure good value for money. 

SEBMAT values

Slough and Eton, Colnbrook Primary and Eton Porny First School are all Church of England schools and we are committed to delivering for the pupils an outstanding education within the Christian ethos of our foundation. We fully subscribe to the National Society’s determination since 1811 that the education we offer as Church of England schools does not depend on the background of the pupil but on a profound investment in their character and in the sparking of their aspiration. Every pupil will be encouraged to respect and honour their similarities and their differences as well as achieve success and be a positive contributor to the local and wider community.
Schools joining SEBMAT will be expected to commit themselves fully to open, honest and transparent collaboration that aims to help every pupil in the Trust to achieve the highest standards.

Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy and Lynch Hill School Primary Academy joined the Trust on 1 January 2019 and Woodlands Park Primary School joined on 1 November 2022. Grove Academy joined the Trust on 1 September 2023.

SEBMAT aims to provide:

• School improvement and has a track record of success
• Excellence in leadership
• Sustained momentum across the improvement journey
• Curriculum innovation
• Standards monitoring, data analysis and trend information
• Links to local, national and international groups
• Facilitated school-to-school networks, coordinating and brokering expertise
• Excellent staff by attracting the best to the Trust and by providing good development opportunities
• Excellent financial management and value for money